
Research areaAlternative colourations Transversal themeBiotechnologies Status: Under development Partners: BGreen Technologies

From fungi, new colours for textiles

In order to produce new colours with a low environmental impact, ALBINI_next has chosen to collaborate with BGreen Technologies, the innovative Lombardy-based start-up that brings biotechnology in the Italian industrial context.


The Hyphae project, born from the partnership between ALBINI_next and BGreen, explores the uses and ways of optimising bio-based dyes of fungal origin, in particular of the Ascomycete fungus belonging to the genus Fusarium.

BGreen studies filamentous fungi in order to produce dyes and ALBINI_next tests their use to replace fossil-derived products. The most important part of the production process, which is protected by the "BGT MyChS" patent and trademark owned by BGreen, regards the possibility of stimulating biosynthesis and pre-extracting the pigment directly in fermentation, thus eliminating organic solvents from the process.

This partnership came into being with the support of Kilometro Rosso, Europe’s leading innovation district in the field of research and technology transfer, which today is the venue for over 75 companies, laboratories and research centres.


We transform ideas into concrete actions to bring sustainability to the textile industry.